Our role is to provide support to students in years 7 to 12 to remain engaged in education and to enhance their opportunities for further education and employment. Our work can include individual and group support, case management and referrals to outside community services. We can provide assistance to students for a range of issues including struggles with school or personal concerns.
Students are usually referred to us by the Principal, Deputy Principals, Student Managers or Teachers. However, students may also self-refer or be referred to us by outside organisations.
All information we discuss with students is kept confidential and private unless there is a risk of harm to the student or another person or the student agrees for the information to be shared.
Our office is located in the Hub (Z Block)
Phone through the front office: ph. 07 4636 8700
Email: ysc@harristownshs.eq.edu.au
We work every school day, Monday to Friday from 8am until 4pm.