2025 Gold Leaders
School Captains: Noah Longford and Charli Ashby
School Vice Captains: Blair Krisanski and Riley Andison
Arts Prefects: Lily Clark and Gabrielle Algate
Sports Prefects: Brayden Lowery and Mercy Gabuogi
Year Level Prefects: Maryam Abdelkarim, Djinni Dalton, Cooper Middleton and Jacob Webber
2025 Junior Secondary Leaders
Heidi Abdelkarim, Harley Breeze, Emily Groves, Clancy Holcombe, Mitchell Morwood, Ellah Robinson, Hami Sumesh and Chloe Webber
2025 Silver Leaders
Balkuin House CaptainsLachlan Baker, Taylor Brackstone, Harley Bearkley and Joshua Burchardt
Barang House Captains Ebraheem Hussen, Bella Ciesiolka and Gracelyn Jacob
Bonda House Captains
Connor Leicht, Kate Oster, Isabel Phylakti and Andrea Martinito
Dherwain House Captains
Alex Sinnamon, Haylee Spooner and Matilda Roberts