What buses service the school?
Harristown State High is well serviced by school and local buses. Most buses set down and collect from the Bus Interchange in Hennessy Street. Bus schedules and information is available from the Translink website.
Where can we collect our children?
Drop off zones and street parking. These are available so children can arrange to meet parents/carers after school.
Where can my child store a bike?
Racks to secure bikes, scooters and skateboards are provided. Students must bring their own locking device to secure their mode of transport.
How are school crossings used?
Students are encouraged to cross safely, sensibly and once only on school crossings. If riding a bike, students should walk beside their bike when crossing the road and when entering the school grounds.
Students are not permitted to ride bikes, scooters or skateboards on school grounds.
School Map
The new Administration Building (S block) including the P&C Shop and Parent Counter are included in this school map