Our extensive curriculum, together with our wide range of extra-curricular activities, provides opportunities for students unparalleled on the Darling Downs. Each student is able to experience subjects across the academic, vocational, sporting and arts' spectrums in the Junior Secondary school years before deciding which direction to take in Years 10, 11 and 12.
Inthe senior school, students have the opportunity to undertake a SAT (School-based Apprenticeship/Traineeship) or other certificate courses through external RTOs (Registered Training Organisations).
Harristown State High places great emphasis on the key learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, History, Georgaphy, Civics and Citizenship, Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Technology and Languages other than English. These are supported by the availabilty of contemporary digital technologies.
The dimensions of learning and the elements of explicit instruction, together with class and individual profile data, inform the teaching of all key learning areas. Particular focus is given to literacy, numeracy and critical thinking.
Teachers differentiate teaching strategies to address gaps in student learning and varied learning styles.
Our close working relationship with our cluster primary schools promotes a continuous link between primary and secondary education.